Dear Domenic-

At your Sunday Buffet you said, "The Spanish Inquisition is satanically wrong."

That may be a simplification. What was the purpose of the Spanish Inquisition in the first place? How was the Spanish Inquisition related to the Alhambra Decree?

Perhaps we should view the inquisition in the context of 15th century Spain. If the Jews were expelled from Spain is it possible that the Jews may someday be expelled from Palestine?

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Hugh! Thanks again for your insights into the passage from Mark last week! Good to see you again!

Regardless of the stated purpose of the Spanish Inquisition, the means were evil, relying on the monopoly-violence apparatus of the Spanish royalty. In the context of 15th Century Spain, it might've been thoroughly good citizenship. But I'm using a different mindset and moral code than citizenship 😉

As for populations being expelled from different parts of the world based on ethnicity/heritage (like Jewish people were), if people migrate of their own free will, that's fine (migration is a natural human right: https://goodneighborbadcitizen.substack.com/p/do-you-favor-open-borders). But being forced out by violence of any kind, including systemic "legal" violence, is terrible.

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