The Origin Story
This Substack follows my book by the same name, Good Neighbor, Bad Citizen.
You can get the book from: in paperback (5 in. by 8 in.) and ebook for Kindle and Kindle-compatible apps (like the free Kindle app for desktop, tablet and mobile)
Barnes & Noble’s website in paperback (5 in. by 8 in.) in paperback (4.25 in. by 6.88 in.)
The book was the No. 1 in “Hot New Releases” in Amazon’s Anarchism category, and reached as high as No. 4 overall in the Anarchism chart:
The book is a rather short read, around 10,000 words or 45-to-60 min. for the average adult. Of course, if you read the book as a meditative aid, pausing to reflect on the contents, then it will take you longer (but that’s not a bad thing!).
And while it’s not necessary to know the book in order to understand and enjoy the Substack content — all content here can stand on its own — I encourage everyone who’s curious to check out the forerunner of this blog and see how it all began!
The Blog Basics
Maintaining a Substack offers the opportunity to:
expand on the book’s messages
address some timely events that connect to the book’s themes
create a space for people who want to keep in touch and interact with me and other readers
My first three Substack articles each describe and define some foundational terms and concepts that are too often ambiguous (or worse!) in popular culture. These articles represent the basics, the fundamentals, the essentials of the themes I examine each week:
And I’ve been fortunate to appear as a guest on more than a dozen podcasts, discussing my book and this Substack with a variety of liberty-minded and liberty-curious hosts:
On one such podcast, the host let me plug my Substack and the Wednesday Wakeup report that goes to all subscribers. He then sent me a clip to use here. Thanks, Jeff Macolino:
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