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This ‘Good Neighbor, Bad Citizen’ blog emerged from the book by the same name:

Front cover of the book 'Good Neighbor, Bad Citizen', written by Domenic C. Scarcella, front cover designed by Sheryl Lynn Ludwig.
Front cover of the book 'Good Neighbor, Bad Citizen', written by Domenic C. Scarcella, front cover designed by Sheryl Lynn Ludwig.

Maintaining a Substack offers the opportunity to

  1. expand on the book’s messages

  2. address some timely events that connect to the book’s theme

  3. create a space for people who want to keep in touch and interact through discussion of the posts

The book is a rather short read, around 10,000 words or 45-to-60 min. for the average adult. Of course, if you read the book as a meditative aid, pausing to reflect on the contents, then it will take you longer (but that’s not a bad thing!).

Amazon has a lengthy preview on the Kindle page, if you’d like to read most of the book’s Introduction to get a sense of the writing style and perspective.

Do I Have To Read the Book Before Diving Into the Substack?


The Substack content is created to stand on its own.

But if you want to know where this all came from, the book is the “prequel” or “origin story” for the blog. You can get the book at:

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Continuing the conversation begun with the book, 'Good Neighbor, Bad Citizen,' which explores the conflict between human dignity and coercive civil authority, illuminated by the events of Jesus' persecution.


Trying to be a good neighbor and a bad citizen.